Laws, Legislation, Executive Orders

Executive Orders Search executive orders by keyword. Coverage includes all E.O.s currently in effect from Jan 1993-present

House and Senate Bills Bill text from the 101st to current

House and Senate Reports(Legislative History) Selected House and Senate Reports from the 104th Congress to present. Searchable database for the House, Senate and Conference Reports.

Public Laws Public Laws from 104th to 106th Congress

U.S. Code 1994 edition and supplements 1 through 4. Updated through Jan. 5, 1999.Search by citation, popular name, P.L. number, or Statutes at Large number. Can search by keyword, but not most efficient method.

Acquisition Regulations

Federal Register (FR) Browse the current issue or search all issues from 1995 to the present (vols. 60-65). The 1994 Federal Register (vol. 59) is also available, however, it contains no fields or section identifiers. Updated daily by 6:00 a.m. Current year available in ASCII text only; Archive files available in ASCII or PDF.

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Browse current and archived editions (1996-present); Search by subject, agency, citation or CFR part number or search the ToC by issue date; Can search the LSA. For FAR and its supplements, CFR is not the preferred source. See individual FARs on the internet or use looseleaf versions or CFR paper copy with LSA.

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)(48 CFR ch. 1) This is the preferred site for the FAR. It includes current and archived PDF versions of the FAR [FAC90-29, July 3, 1995] through FAC97-19, July 26, 2000]. Search by keyword.

Defense FAR Supplement (DFARS)(48 CFR ch. 2) Browse or search most current version of 1998 edition of the DFARS in HTML, PFD or MS Word 7.0. Can also search earlier versions of 1998 edition.

Engineering FAR Supplement (EFARS) Current edition [2000] available in PDF only. No archived editions available.

General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (GSAR)(48 CFR ch. 5) GSAR only available in CFR edition. Updated only once a year. Must use Federal Register to update.

NASA FAR Supplement (NFS)(48 CFR ch. 5) Browse current version in Word or HTML format. View older versions back to 89-72 (Oct. 1995)

Energy FAR Supplement (48 CFR ch. 52) Most sections available only in RTF; Some sections available in HTML; HTML being phased out.

Navy Acquisition Procurement Supplement (NAPS)(48 CFR ch. 52) Can browse and search current (august 1997) editions and its revisions.

Air Force FAR Supplement (AFFARS)48 CFR ch. 53) Browse or search current AFFARS (1996 ed.) and archived versions back to 92-43.

Army FAR Supplement (AFARS)(48 CFR ch. 51) Current Army FAR Supplement (Feb. 29, 200) available in HTML or Word 6.0 formats. Archived AFARS from 96-1 (Aug. 1, 1996) also available. Electronic AFARS Desk Reference can be downloaded.

Department of Housing and Urban Development Regulations (HUDAR)

Department of the Interior Acquisition Regulation (DIAR)(48 CFR ch. 14) Browse current edition only. No search engine available.

Transportation Acquisition Regulation(TAR)48 CFR ch. 12) Includes current regulation (TAR) and manual (TAM) and archived regs from TAC 96-01 (July 31, 1996) through TAC 00-01) (July 6, 2000). Browse only.

Environmental Protection Agency Acquisition Regulation (EPAAR)(48 CFR ch. 15) Browse current edition in PDF.

Departments and Independent Agencies of the Executive Branch

Department of Agriculture

Department of Commerce

Department of Defense

Department of Education

Department of Energy

Department of Homeland Security

Department of Housing and Urban Development

Department of Labor

Department of Justice

Department of the Interior

Department of State

Department of the Treasury

Department of Transportation

Department of Veterans Affairs

Federal Aviation Administration

Environmental Protection Agency

Small Business Administration

U.S. Postal Service

U.S. Army Corp of Engineers

Departments and Independent Agencies of the Executive Branch - Case Law

Agriculture Board of Contract Appeals Contains bid protests and other decision issued b the Department of Agriculture since October 1995 to present. In addition to the above decisions the following Agencies decisions:-Agricultural Marketing Service-Agricultural Research Service-Animal and Plant Health Inspections Service-Farm Services Agency-Federal Crop Insurance Corporation-Forest Service-Natural Resources Conservation Service-Rural Development-Soil and Conservation Services

Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA) Includes full-text decisions from April 30, 1996 to present. Updated weekly. Site also contains ABSCA rules and judges’ biographies. Corps of Engineers Board merged with ASBCA as of July 12, 2000. All EBCA decisions (w/ ASBCA docket numbers) will now be available at this site.

Comptroller General Decision (GAO) Contains bid protest and other decision issued by the Comptroller General since October 1995 to present. Updated within 2 business days after decisions releasedASCII or PDF. Search or Browse.

General Services Administration Board of Contract Appeal GBSCA Appeals Decisions Issued Since 10/1/96 and All Travel Rate and Relocations Decisions.

Government Printing Office Miscellaneous decisions and dispositions from 1976 - 2001.

Labor Board of Contract Appeals (LBCA) Includes LBCA decisions from 1985 to present and LBCARules of practice

Veterans Administration Board of Contract Appeals (VABCA) Includes decisions from October 1993, rules of practice and judges’ biographies.

Small Business Administration Office of Hearings and Appeals Search Options
Search all Decisions
Search all 8(a) BD Decisions
Search all Size Decisions
Search all NAICS and SIC Decisions
Search all SDB Decisions
Search all Development Company Decisions

National Labor Relations Board NLRB decisions are offered in PDF format. A click on any volume link will bring up an index of Decisions and Orders, from which you can view or download cases of interest

Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission All OSHRC decisions, those of both the Administrative Law Judges and Commissioners, from 1993 through March 2002

United States Postal Service Purchasing Protest Decisions Decisions from 1987-2000. New decisions are added to the current-year listing periodically, and prior-year decisions are added as time and resources allow.

Federal Courts - Case Law

U.S. Supreme Court Can search all opinions issued since 1893-present (Vols. 150-present). Before 1893, "selected" cases available at Cornell:

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Browse decisions from August 1995

U.S. Court of Federal Claims (COFC) Includes decisions from July 3, 1997 through present. Updated weekly. Also includes Court Rules, biographies of judges and General Orders of the Court of Federal Claims

U.S. Court of International Trade Includes slip opinions from 1999 through present.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Includes decisions from 1997 through present. Court’s home page includes; electronic filing information, local rules and procedures, case information, and forms.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit Includes decisions from 2000 through present. Court’s home page includes; local rules and forms.

U.S Court of Appeals for the First Circuit Includes decisions from November 1995 to July 2001.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Includes decisions from 1995 to the present, with some pre-1995 cases. Also includes; local rules, biographies of judges and links to 2nd Circuit Courts online.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit Includes decisions from 1994 to the present.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit Includes decisions from 1996 to the present. Court’s home page includes; local rules and procedures, argument calendar, and forms.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Includes decisions from 1992 to the present. Also includes; local rules, biographies of judges and link to 5th Circuit Courts Appeals.

U.S Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit Includes decisions from 1994 through present. Court’s home page includes; local rules, court information, and notices and forms.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit Includes decisions from 1995 to the present. 1993 and 1994 decisions listed by docket number only. Also includes; local rules, biographies of judges and link to 5th Circuit Courts Appeals.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit Includes decisions from 1995 to the present. Also includes; "one stop search" - locate opinions, opinion descriptions, briefs, orders and oral arguments.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Includes decisions from 1995 to the present.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit Includes decisions from August 1995 to October 1997.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit Includes decisions from October 1997 to Present.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit Includes decisions from 1994 to Present.

Other Agency Guidance & Publications

Best Practice Guides Includes OFPP Best Practice Guides for contract administration, past performance, performance-based service contracting, and multiple award task and delivery order contracting.

Commerce Business Daily (CBD) Daily publication of the Department of Commerce in which contract solicitations and awards are announced. Searchable.

Cost, Pricing, and Finance Includes Contract Pricing Reference Guides and proposed cost and pricing changes to the FAR

DCAA Field Memos Full text of DCAA Memos of Regional Directors from Feb. 1995.

Defense Acquisition Deskbook Contains numerous acquisition regulations, and hotlinks to DoD documents and other comprehensive sites.

DoD Directives and Instructions Includes all directives and instructions currently in effect, annual index, alpha and numeric lists of directives and instructions, and list of canceled and superseded directives.

DoD Regulations and Manuals Browse current DoD regulations and Manuals by D-number.

OFPP Policy Letters Includes all OFP Policy letters currently in effect and a list of rescinded or superseded letters.

OMB Circulars Circulars listed by number and indexed by major category (e.g. Procurement)

Lists of Parties Excluded from Federal procurement and Non-Procurement Programs GSA List of contractors who are excluded government wide. Search by party name. No Browse Feature available.

Construction Industry - Periodicals

National Contract Management Journal

Congressional Quarterly

Roll Call

The Hill

Construction Law Review

AEC Automation Newsletter

Architectural Record

Builder Online

Buildings Magazine



Environmental Design and Construction On-Line

RS Means

American College of Construction Lawyers (ACCL)

Construction Risk

Construction Weblinks

National Construction Law Center

Public Contract Law Journal

Construction Industry Trade Associations

American Institute of Architects

American Road and Transportation Building Association

American Consulting Engineers Council

American Public Works Association

American Society of Civil Engineers

American Subcontractors Association

Associated Builders and Contractors

Associated General Contractors

Construction Management Association of America

Design Build Institute of America

National Association of Home Builders

National Association of Professional Engineers

American Arbitration Association

American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

American Construction Inspections Association (ACIA)

American Institute of Constructors

American Institute of Steel Construction

American Institute of Timber Construction

American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers

Associated Equipment Distributors

Civil Engineering Research Foundation

Construction Financial Management Association

Construction Industry Institute

Construction Owners Association of America

Construction Safety Council

Construction Specifications Institute

Energy and Environmental Building Association

Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Masonry Society

Metal Building Manufacturers Association

Metal Construction Association

National Association of Corrosion Engineers

National Association of Surety Bond Producers

National Electrical Contractors Association

National Frame Builders Association

National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Associations

Power and Communication Contractors Association

Professional Construction Estimators Association

Steel Erectors Association of America

Surety Association of America

Government Contract Meta Sites and Search Engines

Department of Commerce General Counsel’s Office Contract Law Division "Hot Items" section lists FAR proposed and final rules, legislative updates, and articles of interest to procurement attorneys. Links to courts and boards. Also hosts a public contracts list serve for posting questions and news alerts.

George Washington University Law Library’s Government Contracts Resource Guide This resource guide provides links to 90+ government contract sites, including all of those mentioned in this article. This is a great starting point for anyone researching Government Contracts Law.

Georgetown University Law Library Federal, state, local, foreign, international and topical links.Especially good for federal court links, including district courts organized by circuit.

GSA Acquisition Reform Network(ARNet) Click on "Virtual Library Link". Collection of resources organized by function. Also includes procurement forms, regulations, policies, solicitations, etc. Lots of good stuff here.

Federal Acquisition Jumpstation (NASA) Extensive Federal procurement and acquisition links organized by agency. Click on Procurement Reference Library for more great links.

FindLaw Links to numerous federal, state, international, foreign law sites, and legal subject inks. Government Contracts Subject includes good introductory article by David Handler and Carl Vacketta.

Steve Schooner’s Web Page Provides extensive list of links to various procurement sites, including federal, state and international. Links to law firms who practice Government Contracts Law.